Averaging around 50km a day, American athlete Candice Burt did the unbelievable: achieving an incredible running streak of 200 days, qualifying her as a Guinness World Record holder for most consecutive ultramarathons. This impressive feat of endurance saw her cover over 6200 miles in under seven months and race in a 100-mile Hawaii event midway through the record.
After waking up around 6 am and having a quick but healthy breakfast, Candice would see her two daughters off to school before setting off on her daily 50km route. Guinness World Records would monitor her GPX as she continually put one foot in front of the other day after day.

Her goal in mind? The original plan was just 100 days, vastly outnumbering the previous 23-day record; however, the streak continued for 200 days, following her fascination with the number, as shown in her Race Directing profile.
Of her many hats, Race Director is just one for Destination Trail, which hosts acclaimed races like the Tahoe 200 and Moab 240. She explained that in November, she initially looked at the consecutive marathon record, which was 150 days; however, she became intrigued with the ultramarathon record, knowing she had the potential to surpass it.
Burt has a decorated career in running, with over 26 years of experience, with her ultramarathon journey beginning in 2010. However, she acknowledges that her background was necessary to withstand that volume.
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