Voom Nutrition Rapid Recovery Review

Voom Nutrition

Having recently increased my training levels both in the gym and running, now was the perfect time for me to test out the Voom Nutrition Rapid Recovery shake, Belgian Chocolate and Vanilla Flavour.

Let’s get the important part done first – this shake tastes amazing! The Belgium Chocolate and vanilla flavour is by far the best recovery shake I have tried. Mixing 2 scoops of powder with 400ml of water gives the perfect smooth consistency, it’s like drinking really good chocolate milk.

A lot of protein drinks I’ve tried in the past either do not mix well with water and you’re left with large clumps of powder, or the leave an unusual after taste in the mouth. Neither of which is appealing after a hard workout or a long run! Voom Rapid Recovery takes only a few shakes, and the powder is mixed well with the water. As for an after taste, there isn’t one, and no funky film coating in your mouth either requiring you to chase it with a glass of water.

With a balanced combination of Protein and Carbohydrate rapid recovery is more than just a protein shake, optimising your recovery by repairing the muscle and providing energy replacement, meaning faster muscle recovery and reduced DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). This proved to be really useful on back-to-back running days or after heavy gym days, optimising my recovery and reducing energy slumps. There was still a hint of DOM’s after a really heavy gym session, but the recovery time was much quicker than normal.

Each 915g biodegradable bag contains 15 servings, priced at £29.50 I find it to be on the pricier side compared to the previous protein shake I have been using; however, the rapid recovery is a more rounded recovery shake and not just focused on protein, plus the flavour and texture far excels the previous protein shake. I feel the rapid recovery does just as it says – offers rapid recovery after each of my workouts.

The Verdict

I’d will be adding the Voom Nutrition Rapid Recovery into my training nutrition plan going forward, I’ve definitely seen an improvement in my recovery using it.

Review by: Laura Hutchinson, Assistant Race Director at GB Ultras.

Product review: Voom Nutrition Rapid Recovery

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