Ultra Coach Ian Sharman

"The number one element to improving is consistency, without a shadow of a doubt!"

Since 2005 Ian Sharman has been racing around the world, competing in over 200 long-distance endurance events, including some of the most gruelling foot races on earth! A four times Leadville Trail champion, nine times Western States 100 top ten finisher, and seven times Silver-medallist at Comrades, Ian is no stranger to the punishing world of endurance.

An Ultra-fanatic long before the boom, Ian Sharmans Ultra resume is a listing to inspire! Having taken on the Marathon Des Sables, raced in all the continents except Antarctica, he’s also crewed at the UTMB and the Badwater 135, with travel around the globe as a major aim.

Battling his way through all weather conditions and terrains that the Ultra world has to offer, Ian has earned his place at the top end of the finish line through his dedication, gaining him the incredible level of experience and knowledge that he has today.

The 2h 21m marathoner turned his attention to coaching in 2010, refining and developing the physical and psychological methodology that he applies today through Sharman Ultra Coaching, helping distance runners to improve their performance and race day results.

Ultrarunner Magazine was lucky enough to catch up with Ian ahead of his next challenge in Leadville to discuss all things ultra-performance and improvement.

What led you to run? …

I had always been athletic, took part in various team sports, I really enjoyed that world but when I moved to London, I found it quite hard to fit those kinds of activities in with my lifestyle up there. I wanted to keep active and keep moving and running just ticked all the boxes. Later, I saw a TV show about the Marathon Des Sables, and it seemed ideal. I loved to travel and had never been to the Sahara Desert, so I figured I better start training. I wasn’t a runner, but it seemed possible, especially as there was quite a bit of walking involved.

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