Protein Rebel Maple Ignite Gel – Test and Review

Part of UltraRunner Magazine's Ultra Nutrition Feature

When looking at nutrition for my long runs, I always look for something on the natural side. I have always had a sensitive stomach, and when I started running, this was a challenge I had to take on as part of my training. 

Nutrition is essential when doing long runs. I wanted an easy way to get carbohydrates into my system without using synthetic chemicals to keep my energy.

Protein Rebel is a brand that specialises in natural, easy-to-digest products for endurance athletes. They value using ingredients that don’t include turning your stomach into a chemical factory while giving you the energy you desire. So far so good…


Protein Rebel maple syrup gel runner review


Gastrointestinal issues (GI) have plagued even the most elite runner at some point or another, with studies claiming that up to 90% of long-distance runners complain about GI distress during exercise. 

Protein Rebel prides itself on using only a few natural ingredients to inhibit GI issues while exercising. I tried the Maple Ignite Natural Energy Gel, which contains just two ingredients: Grade A Canadian Maple Syrup (99.1%) and Sea Salt (0.9%). 


Each gel contains 24g of carbohydrates from a natural blend of glucose and fructose, providing an energy boost without the threat of upsetting my stomach. I was happier knowing I was fueling my body with natural ingredients, which made me feel stronger as I wasn’t relying on chemicals. 

When out running, I took the gel around twenty miles into a long race as a little pick-me-up alongside a banana. I was amazed by the flavour, which was rich and robust, without a chemical aftertaste. 

The gel was silky smooth and easy to ingest; I didn’t feel bloated or full after it, which I can have with heavier gels from other brands. I was particularly impressed that I could continue running while taking the gel as it is less viscous.


Sweet is always what I crave when I am out running, it hits the spot. I knew there were no chemicals in the gels but I was still worried I would feel a dreaded sugar high and resulting crash.

However, Protein Rebel assured me that Maple Syrup is predominantly sucrose, which begins to break down and deliver glucose to your system the moment it enters your bloodstream. Therefore it has a lower glycaemic index than other sugars, it continues to break down longer to keep you fuelled for longer. So thankfully there was no big sugar high!



I was also delighted that Protein Rebel sources their Maple Syrup from Canadian trees that have made syrup for over 200 years so their gels are entirely vegan. When producing, Maple trees absorb 100 lbs of carbon, making these little packages better for the environment.

Overall after looking at my watch data, I found that by having the Maple Ignite Natural energy gel it kept my average pace higher for as long as 2km. Even if I didn’t feel like I was then, my body continued to work, and I got to enjoy my long run even more.


Review by Emily Yarwood


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