Outdoor Provisions – All Natural energy

I’m always on the lookout for good food to take out on my events and long runs. Over the last few months, I’ve been testing a lot of gels and bars from the leading brands and I might just find a company that’s hitting the Vegan market.

Outdoor Provisions make all their products here in the UK with no refined sugars and they even wrap all their food in a compostable wrapper.

Outdoor Provisions fired over one of their starter packs which consists of bars and nut butters in a range of flavours. So, let’s get munching into the review. 4 bars in and I’m absolutely loving the flavours even if I’m now buzzing around the room full of kcals, but the winner must be mint and coca. Always been a sucker for mint and chocolate.

Each flavour has been very cleverly prepared, so the flavours are not too strong, but you get enough flavour to recognize what your meant to be eating. The bars are dry, and I could see myself needing some fluids to wash these down if I was to eat them during a long ultra but they’re not hard to chew whatsoever. Packing around 160kcals without making you feel nauseous is a big plus on those big events.

Provisions have really done its homework and taken inspiration from different areas of the UK to make some of the best bars on the market.

Next up is the Nut butters. Got to use these throughout my long runs rather than eating all these with the bars lol. Another range of flavours without copying the bars gave me a real variety when I just wanted to taste something different. Each nut butter is pretty oily, but this made this so easy to consume. I did find I ate most of the oil before the contents, but I did find if I rubbed my fingers into the packaging before opening, I found the contents and the oil to be more in one if that makes sense.

180 kcals per packet of slow-release energy is going to work a treat with some fast sugary foods. Don’t expect that instant rush of energy from these as you would a gel. Both are very different products with this one being aimed at slowly giving you energy rather than the instant rush of energy followed by a crash of energy. I can see this working really well in the later stages of races when you don’t feel like eating anymore.

Once you finished, pop all the wrappers in your home composite bin. Perfect! Well done Outdoor provisions.

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