Ingrid Lid: From Norwegian Mountains to Centurion Track100

"An incredible steely determination whilst remaining so positive to those around her."

Credit: Centurion Running

From the magnificent Norwegian mountains to the Centurion Track100, Ingrid Lid has proven time and time again that there is a passion in ultrarunners that cannot be found anywhere else. 

“I’ve always been running, but it was something that I used for my mental health, and I just like to be outside in nature. As a child, I loved running in the woods and the hills and mountains, pretending I was a horse; I used to jump over fences. So I did a lot of horse riding, which was the first sport I trained for. 

Credit: Ingrid Lid

“I moved to Cheyenne when I was 15 years old to go to school, but when I moved away, I felt very lonely, so I just started running to get out into the city. I felt much better inside myself while running. But the running I did at that time was every time I went out; I went as fast as I could. 

She continued: “It went like that for some years, but when I was in my early twenties, I started to have more scheduled training. I learned a lot more about how to train to run further. I also did a lot of trail running. My first race was an 18-kilometre trail run, and after that, I went straight up to the marathon distance.

Credit: Ingrid Lid

Ingrid’s first race was the 2017 Oslo Marathon, completing it in 3 hours and 25 minutes. However, she yearned for something more: “I was not tired after the race. I just felt like I would like to run a little longer. So just some months after, I did my first 50-kilometre race. 

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