How To Improve Your Running Technique With Simon Dicks

Simon Dicks

Simon Dicks at Focused Running has years of ultra experience and a win at the Beyond The Ultimate Ice Ultra. So, you can say he’s the go to guy when it comes to running technique. We caught up with Simon to find out how he screens a client’s movement pattern and some of his top tips to run well on the trails.

How do you screen a client’s movement pattern? 

First of all, I tell them to run normally whilst I record them from the side and behind. It needs to be natural so I can see what the runner is doing whilst they’re out on their daily run. I typically do this at two speed levels, one an easy and another will be at their targeted marathon time, so we see the difference between their two movements, 

As well as this, as part of the functional assessment I get them to do things like single leg squats, normal squats and weighted turns. This gives me the ability to see what’s going on with the muscles. The reason we do this is because running is a single-leg sport. We land on one leg and so we need to see which muscles are firing and the sequence they’re firing in. 

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