Announcing the 2023 Virtual Lakeland 100 Schools Challenge

Calling all Lakes-based primary schools... would you like a donation towards sports equipment

Calling all schools and budding young ultra runners! UltraRunner Magazine is more than happy to tell you about the fantastic initiative being undertaken alongside the upcoming Virtual Lakeland 50 and 100 challenge.

The 2023 Virtual Lakeland 50 & 100 takes place July 15th to 26th and they will be doing their usual fundraisers for various charities.


Find out how here…

You can collectively run as a year group or school, so as an example, 30 children would have to run 1.5 miles each. What’s more, if primary schools share photos and send them to the Lakeland 50 & 100 Facebook page, they will make a donation towards sports equipment for the school.

Speak to your child’s school, get them involved, they need to email to get the entry link. Don’t try to enter via the usual pathway as the website will charge you for entry.


Schools challenge for young ultra runners

“GET IT SHARED with local primary schools and make us pay!!”

We know schools are underfunded, so who wouldn’t want to participate in something which promotes physical and mental wellbeing, whilst generating funds for your school!!

Click here for more information about the Schools Challenge.


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